When we discuss cosmetic dentistry with patients , they often are confused about the difference between porcelain veneers and crowns. Which one will be the most aesthetic? Is there a cost difference? Is one more durable than another? These are often the most common questions that patients mention. The truth is BOTH veneers and crowns are equally aesthetic and beautiful. Both are made of high strength ceramic. The decision comes down to the amount of tooth reduction is needed, how healthy the existing teeth are and how much we need to change the tooth shape or position with the porcelain restoration. Crooked, severely rotated teeth, or teeth with big fillings will benefit from “full coverage” (crowns). Teeth that have good enamel and require minimal repositioning will benefit from less reduction and the use of a porcelain veneer.

The example noted in the photo shows how restoring crooked teeth with a crown can allow us to (in a sense) “move” a tooth to a better position by using a full coverage crown. By reducing more tooth structure - we are able to reposition the tooth (aesthetically) so that it doesn’t look cooked or misplaced in the dental arch. This case also highlights an additional benefit of going “full coverage” vs a veneer. In cases where there are very dark teeth - we often need more material thickness (more porcelain) in order to mask the dark color of the natural tooth. If the porcelain is too thin - the darkness with show through and compromise the final color of the new restoration.

A veneer is a great option for minor color, tooth position corrections and improvement of tooth appearance. The benefit is less reduction (basically less tooth drilled away). In many case we can simply ADD porcelain to the tooth without even having to remove ANY tooth structure. These are called “prepless” veneers. The photo below highlights a before/after example of using veneers to broaden the smile, reshape and cover existing teeth: in order to make them brighter, bigger and more aesthetic!

So whether you are from Minneapolis, Plymouth, Wayzata, Edina or any town in Minnesota for that matter…Come to Ivory. Request a free consult and learn more about how cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile and leave you feeling great!

~ Dr Brenny
